
Hoofdstukken in boeken

Broekaert, E. & D’Oosterlinck, F. (2000). Holisme en Orthopedagogiek. In F. Simon (Ed.), Liber Amoricum Karel De Clerck (pp. 11-19). Gent: CSHP.

Broekaert, E., Cappelle, B., Maes, M., Farricelli, M., De Mulder, D., Verstraeten, C., D’Oosterlinck, F. & Thienpont, W. (2005). Personen met gedragsstoornissen. In Broekaert, E. (Ed.) Handboek Bijzondere Orthope­dagogiek (pp. 399-) (zevende, herziene druk). Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant.

D’Oosterlinck, F. (2005). Kinderen in conflict op school. Een vraag naar inclusie of exclusie. In VLOR Onderwijskansen voor jongeren met gedrags- en emotionele problemen. Een verkenning. (pp.177-189). Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant.

D’Oosterlinck, F. (2006). Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) in Oost-Vlaanderen. In L. Lacombe, R. Loosveldt & L. Van der Vorst (Eds.) Grenzen. Begripvolle grenzen en grenzen aan begrip. (pp.113-126) IPSOC - Bijscholing. Drukkerij Lammens & Maes.

Sel, K., & D’Oosterlinck, F. (2013). De pauzeknop. Time-Out voor jongeren. Leuvan: Lannoo Campus.

D'Oosterlinck, F., Soenen, B., Spriet, E. & Sel, K. (2016). Relaties opbouwen met kinderen en jongeren in crisissituaties. Leuven: Lannoo Campus



Broekaert, E., D’Oosterlinck, F., Van Hove, G. & Bayliss, P. (2004). The search for an Integrated Paradigm of Care Models for People with Handicaps, Disabilities and Behavioural Disorders at the Department of Orthopedagogy of Ghent University. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 39(3), 206-216.

D’Oosterlinck, F., & Broekaert, E. (2003). Integrating School-Based and Therapeutic Conflict Management Models in Schools. Journal of School Health, 73(6), 222-225.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Broekaert, E., De Wilde, J., Bockaert, L.F. & Goethals, I. (2006). Characteristics and Profile of Boys and Girls with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders in Flanders Mental Health Institutes: A Quantitative Study. Child: Care, Health and Development, 32(2), 213-224.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Goethals, I., Broekaert, E., Schuyten, G. & De Maeyer, J. (2008). Implementation and Effect of Life Space Crisis Intervention in Special Schools with Residential Treatment for Students with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders EBD. Psychiatric Quarterly, 79(1), 65-79.

Soenen, B., Goethals, I., Spriet, E., D’Oosterlinck, F., Broekaert, E. (2013). Reflections of Caretakers on the Process of Implementation of Life Space Crisis Intervention at a Therapeutic Centre for Youngsters with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders. Psychiatric Quarterly, 84(2), 239-524.

Soenen, B., D’Oosterlinck, F., & Broekaert, E. (2013). The voice of troubled youth: Children’s and adolescent’s ideas on helpful elements of care. Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 1297-1304.

Soenen, B., D’Oosterlinck, F., & Broekaert, E. (2014). Implementing evidence-supported methods in residential care and special education: a process-model. Children and Youth Services Review, 36, 155-162.

Soenen, B., Volckaert, A., D’Oosterlinck, F., & Broekaert, E. (2014). The implementation of Life Space Crisis Intervention in residential care and special education for children and adolescents with EBD: an effect study. Psychiatric Quarterly, DOI 10.1007/s11126-014-9288-4.

Soenen, B., D’Oosterlinck, F., Seys, M., Volckaert, A., & Broekaert, E. Anxiety in Children and Adolescents in Flemish Care: a multi-informant study on prevalence, nature and related problems.(submitted to ‘Assessment’).


Broekaert, E., Soenen, B., Goethals, I., D’Oosterlinck, F., & Vandevelde, S. (2009). Life Space Crisis Intervention as a Modern Manifestation of Milieu Therapy and Orthopedagogy. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 30(2), 122-145.

Broekaert, E., van der Straten, G, D’Oosterlinck, F. & Kooyman, M. (1999). The Therapeutic Community for ex-addicts: a view from Europe. Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal for Therapeutic and Supportive Organizations, 20(4), 255-266.

Broekaert, E., van der Straten, G, D’Oosterlinck, F. & Kooyman, M. (1999). The Therapeutic Community for ex-addicts: a view from Europe. Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal for Therapeutic and Supportive Organizations, 20(4), 255-266.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Broekaert, E. & Denoo, I. (2006). Conversations with Youth in conflict. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 15(1), 45-51.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Goethals, I., Spriet, E., Soenen, B. & Broekaert, E. (2009). Conflict management in children and youth with behavioral and emotional disorders. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 30(2), 146-156.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Soenen, B., Goethals, I., Vandevelde, S. & Broekaert, E. (2009). Perceptions of Staff Members on the Implementation of Conflict Management Strategies in Educational and Therapeutic Environments and Therapeutic Environments for Children and Youths with Emotional and Behavioural Dirsorders. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 30(2), 157-172.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Keppens, S., Spriet, E., & Broekaert, E. (2011). Life Space Crisis Intervention and the Contextual Theory: Common Grounds in History. Renewed Reflections About Treatment of Children with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders in Their Family. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 32(1), 3-17.

Goorix, K., D’Oosterlinck, F., Spriet, E., Freado, M., & Broekaert, E. (2012). Teach me how to talk. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 21(2), 54-58.

Soenen, B., Goethals, I., Spriet, E., D’Oosterlinck, F. & Broekaert, E. (2009). Effects of the Combination of Life Space Crisis Intervention and a Level System at Therapeutic Treatment Centre "Heynsdaele"-, a Special School and Home for Youth with Behavioural and Emotional problems. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities’

Soenen, B., Volckaert, A., Spriet, E., & D’Oosterlinck, F. (2011). Problem Behaviour in a Flemish Therapeutic Centre for Children and Youth with EBD: Group Workers, Teachers and Youth as Different Infomants. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, 32(1), 35-53.Soenen, B. D’Oosterlinck, F., & Broekaert, E. (accepted). Anxiety in youth in Flemish Care: a multi-informant study. International Journal of Therapeutic Communities.

A3 PUBLICATIES en andere

Broekaert, E., D’Oosterlinck, F. & Bradt, H. (1993). 50 jaar Orthopedagogische Zorg Gent. Orthopedagogische Reeks Gent, 4, 7-46.

D’Oosterlinck, F. (2000). Groepswerking met ouders, op zoek naar methodiek. Sociaal, 21, 18-21.

D’Oosterlinck, F. & Legiest, E. (2000). De zorgvraag van kinderen met emotionele en gedragsstoornissen en hun ouders. Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek, kinderpsychiatrie en klinische kinderpsychologie, 25(2), 95-104.

D’Oosterlink, F. (2006). Conflict management in children and youngsters with behavioural and emotional disorders. PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Broekaert, E. & Vander Haeghen, C. (2006). Probleemjongeren te vroeg het te-huis uit? Een exploratief onderzoek naar de nood aan zorg bij jongvolwassen uitstromers met gedrags- en emotionele stoornissen. Tijdschrift voor orthopedagogiek, kinderpsychiatrie en klinische kinderpsychologie, 31(2), 58-68.

D’Oosterlinck, F. & Spriet, E. (2006). Life Space Crisis Intervention. Praten met kinderen en jongeren in crisissituaties. Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 25(2).

D’Oosterlinck, F., Blankespoor, K. & Dille, K. (2008). Training Life Space Crisis Intervention, theory and practice. (artikel opgestuurd voor ENTMA congres).

D’Oosterlinck, F., Dille, K. & Spriet, E. (2009). Life Space Crisis Interventie: een methodiek om met kinderen en jongeren in crisis om te gaan. Handboek leerlingenbegeleider (HALT),22, 91-112.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Farricelli, M., Spriet, E. (2009). Life Space Crisis Intervention. A therapeutic conflict management model. Today’s Children are Tomorrow’s Parents, 25, 40-48.

D’Oosterlinck, F., Spriet, E., Soenen, B. (2012). How the use of the LSCI-method can create a healthy cointerpoise against the negative effect of exclusion by disruptive peers. Today’s children are tomorrow’s parent, Vol. 33-34, 83-89.